Most Common Causes Of TMJ

common causes of tmj

Do you experience pain or discomfort in your jaw when eating, speaking or simply opening your mouth? You may be suffering from TMJ, a condition that affects millions of people worldwide. The temporomandibular joint connects the jawbone to the skull and allows for movements such as chewing and talking. When this joint is inflamed or damaged, it can cause a range of symptoms that can impact your daily life. In this blog post, we will explore the most common causes of TMJ and how to treat it effectively with the help of female dentists who specialize in addressing these issues. Read on to learn more about this often-overlooked but highly prevalent condition!

What is TMJ?

TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition that affects the jaw joint and surrounding muscles. The temporomandibular joint connects the lower jawbone to the skull, allowing us to move our jaws up and down, side to side, and back and forth.

When something goes wrong with this complex joint system, it can lead to TMJ symptoms such as pain, stiffness or soreness in the jaw area. This can make it difficult for sufferers to eat or speak comfortably.

There are several types of TMJ disorders that people may experience depending on what’s causing their symptoms. These include myofascial pain syndrome (MPS), internal derangement of the joint (ID), osteoarthritis (OA) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).

While anyone can develop TMJ at any age regardless of gender or ethnicity; women between 20-40 years old tend to suffer from it more than others. If you suspect you have TMJ disorder based on your symptoms, it’s important to seek professional help from an experienced dentist who specializes in treating these issues promptly before they worsen into more severe problems!

The different types of TMJ

TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a condition that affects the jaw and causes pain in the muscles around it. There are three different types of TMJ: myofascial pain syndrome, internal derangement of the joint, and arthritis.

Myofascial pain syndrome occurs when there is tension in the muscles responsible for moving your jaw. This can cause discomfort or pain in your face and neck. Sometimes people experience muscle spasms or knots as well.

Internal derangement of the joint happens when something within your TMJ isn’t functioning correctly. This can cause clicking or popping sounds when you open your mouth to speak or eat, along with difficulty opening your mouth fully.

Arthritis occurs when there is inflammation within the joints themselves. Arthritic TMJ may cause swelling and tenderness around the joint area along with difficulty chewing food without discomfort.

It’s important to understand which type of TMJ you have so that proper treatment can be administered by a dental professional who specializes in this field such as female dentists connected to treating patients with TMJ disorders

The most common causes of TMJ

TMJ disorder is a painful condition that affects the jaw joint and muscles responsible for moving it. Because of the many bones, muscles, and ligaments that are all connected to the TMJ area, symptoms can extend from the head through the mouth and neck and into the shoulders. While there can be many causes of TMJ, some are more common than others. Here are some of the most commonly seen causes of TMJ:

1. Teeth Grinding: One of the primary reasons behind TMJ is teeth grinding or bruxism. It puts excessive pressure on your jaw muscles, causing them to become stiff and sore.

2. Jaw Injuries: A direct blow to your jaw can lead to inflammation in your temporomandibular joint causing pain and discomfort.

3. Misaligned Bite: When your upper and lower teeth don’t fit together correctly, it may result in an imbalance in your bite pattern leading to TMJ.

4. Stress & Anxiety: Chronic stress leads to muscle tension, which can cause constant clenching or grinding of teeth resulting in strain on the temporomandibular joint.

5. Arthritis: Arthritis refers to chronic inflammation in joints; when this happens in the temporomandibular joint it can lead to severe pain while chewing or speaking.

If you’re experiencing any symptoms related to TMJ Disorder like popping sounds while opening/closing mouth, headaches or earaches consult a female dentist who specializes in treating these types of disorders as soon as possible!

How to treat TMJ

Treating TMJ can vary depending on the severity and type of the condition. One common method is to use pain relievers and anti-inflammatory medication to manage symptoms. This can include over-the-counter drugs like ibuprofen or prescription medications such as muscle relaxants.

Physical therapy exercises may also be recommended by a healthcare professional. These exercises can help strengthen the jaw muscles, alleviate pressure on the joint, and improve flexibility.

In some cases, splints or mouthguards may be used to reduce teeth grinding or clenching that exacerbates TMJ symptoms. These devices are custom-made for each patient’s unique bite pattern.

Surgery is typically reserved for severe cases of TMJ where other treatments have not been effective in managing symptoms. Surgery options may include arthrocentesis (a minimally invasive procedure that involves washing out and flushing the joint) or open-joint surgery (where damaged tissues are repaired).

It’s important to consult with a dental professional if you suspect you have TMJ so they can recommend an appropriate treatment plan for your specific needs.


TMJ can be a painful and uncomfortable condition to live with. There are many different causes of TMJ, including stress, teeth grinding, arthritis, and injuries. It is essential to recognize the symptoms early on and seek treatment from your dentist or doctor promptly.

There are various treatments available for those who suffer from TMJ, ranging from simple lifestyle changes like reducing stress levels to more advanced medical solutions such as surgery. Female dentists can be especially helpful in treating this condition as they have specialized knowledge in dental issues that affect women specifically.

If you think you may be suffering from TMJ or any other dental issue related to the jaw area, don’t hesitate to get help today. With proper diagnosis and treatment by a qualified healthcare professional, you can find relief from pain and discomfort caused by this common problem.